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Props type aliases

This is the collection of props type aliases within the ui-react module. There are 23 props type aliases in total.


TablesProps props are used for components that refer to all the Tables in a Store, such as the TablesView component.


TableProps props are used for components that refer to a single Table in a Store, such as the TableView component.


SortedTableProps props are used for components that refer to a single sorted Table in a Store, such as the SortedTableView component.


RowProps props are used for components that refer to a single Row in a Table, such as the RowView component.


CellProps props are used for components that refer to a single Cell in a Row, such as the CellView component.


MetricProps props are used for components that refer to a single Metric in a Metrics object, such as the MetricView component.


IndexProps props are used for components that refer to a single Index in an Indexes object, such as the IndexView component.


SliceProps props are used for components that refer to a single Slice in an Index object, such as the SliceView component.


LocalRowsProps props are used for components that refer to a single Relationship in a Relationships object, and where you want to render local Rows based on a remote Row, such as the LocalRowsView component.


RemoteRowProps props are used for components that refer to a single Relationship in a Relationships object, and where you want to render a remote Row based on a local Row, such as in the RemoteRowView component.


LinkedRowsProps props are used for components that refer to a single Relationship in a Relationships object, and where you want to render a linked list of Rows starting from a first Row, such as the LinkedRowsView component.


ResultTableProps props are used for components that refer to a single query ResultTable, such as the ResultTableView component.


ResultSortedTableProps props are used for components that refer to a single sorted query ResultTable, such as the ResultSortedTableView component.


ResultRowProps props are used for components that refer to a single Row in a query ResultTable, such as the ResultRowView component.


ResultRowProps props are used for components that refer to a single Cell in a Row of a ResultTable, such as the ResultCellView component.


BackwardCheckpointsProps props are used for components that refer to a list of previous checkpoints in a Checkpoints object, such as the BackwardCheckpointsView component.


CurrentCheckpointsProps props are used for components that refer to the current checkpoints in a Checkpoints object, such as the BackwardCheckpointsView component.


ForwardCheckpointsProps props are used for components that refer to a list of future checkpoints in a Checkpoints object, such as the ForwardCheckpointsView component.


ProviderProps props are used with the Provider component, so that Store Metrics, Indexes, Relationships, Queries, and Checkpoints objects can be passed into the context of an application and used throughout.


The ExtraProps type represents a set of arbitrary additional props.


ValuesProps props are used for components that refer to all the Values in a Store, such as the ValuesView component.


ValueProps props are used for components that refer to a single Value in a Row, such as the ValueView component.


CheckpointProps props are used for components that refer to a single checkpoint in a Checkpoints object, such as the CheckpointView component.