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RemoteRowProps props are used for components that refer to a single Relationship in a Relationships object, and where you want to render a remote Row based on a local Row, such as in the RemoteRowView component.

  relationshipId: Id;
  localRowId: Id;
  relationships?: RelationshipsOrRelationshipsId;
  rowComponent?: ComponentType<RowProps>;
  getRowComponentProps?: (rowId: Id) => ExtraProps;
  debugIds?: boolean;

The Id of the Relationship in the Relationships object.


The Id of the local Row for which to render the remote Row.


The Relationships object to be accessed: omit for the default context Relationships object, provide an Id for a named context Relationships object, or provide an explicit reference.


A component for rendering each (remote, local, or linked) Row in the Relationship.

getRowComponentProps?(rowId: Id) => ExtraProps

A function for generating extra props for each Row component based on its Id.


Whether the component should also render the Id of the Row in the Relationship, and its descendent objects, to assist with debugging.