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The store module is the core of the TinyBase project and contains the types, interfaces, and functions to work with Store objects.


The metrics module of the TinyBase project provides the ability to create and track metrics and aggregates of the data in Store objects.


The indexes module of the TinyBase project provides the ability to create and track indexes of the data in Store objects.


The relationships module of the TinyBase project provides the ability to create and track relationships between the data in Store objects.


The queries module of the TinyBase project provides the ability to create and track queries of the data in Store objects.


The checkpoints module of the TinyBase project provides the ability to create and track checkpoints made to the data in Store objects.


The common module of the TinyBase project provides a small collection of common types used across other modules.


The persisters module of the TinyBase project provides a simple framework for saving and loading Store data, to and from different destinations, or underlying storage types.


The persister-automerge module of the TinyBase project provides a way to save and load Store data, to and from an Automerge document.


The persister-browser module of the TinyBase project lets you save and load Store data to and from browser storage.


The persister-cr-sqlite-wasm module of the TinyBase project lets you save and load Store data to and from a local CR-SQLite database (in an appropriate environment).


The persister-electric-sql module of the TinyBase project lets you save and load Store data to and from a local ElectricSQL database (in an appropriate environment).


The persister-expo-sqlite module of the TinyBase project lets you save and load Store data to and from a local Expo-SQLite database (in an appropriate React Native environment).


The persister-expo-sqlite-next module of the TinyBase project lets you save and load Store data to and from a local Expo-SQLite 'next' database (in an appropriate React Native environment).


The persister-file module of the TinyBase project lets you save and load Store data to and from a local file system (in an appropriate environment).


The persister-indexed-db module of the TinyBase project lets you save and load Store data to and from browser IndexedDB storage.


The persister-libsql module of the TinyBase project lets you save and load Store data to and from a local LibSQL database (in an appropriate environment).


The persister-partykit-client module of the TinyBase project contains the client portion of the PartyKit integration.


The persister-partykit-server module of the TinyBase project contains the server portion of the PartyKit integration.


The persister-powersync module of the TinyBase project lets you save and load Store data to and from a local SQLite database that is automatically synced using the PowerSync service.


The persister-remote module of the TinyBase project lets you save and load Store data to and from a remote server.


The persister-sqlite-wasm module of the TinyBase project lets you save and load Store data to and from a local SQLite database (in an appropriate environment).


The persister-sqlite3 module of the TinyBase project lets you save and load Store data to and from a local SQLite database (in an appropriate environment).


The persister-yjs module of the TinyBase project provides a way to save and load Store data, to and from a Yjs document.


The tools module of the TinyBase project provides utilities for working with TinyBase during development.


The ui-react module of the TinyBase project provides both hooks and components to make it easy to create reactive apps with Store objects.


The ui-react-dom module of the TinyBase project provides components to make it easy to create web-based reactive apps with Store objects.