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The useCheckpointIds hook returns an array of the checkpoint Ids being managed by this Checkpoints object, and registers a listener so that any changes to that result will cause a re-render.

useCheckpointIds(checkpointsOrCheckpointsId?: any): CheckpointIds

The Checkpoints object to be accessed: omit for the default context Checkpoints object, provide an Id for a named context Checkpoints object, or provide an explicit reference.


A CheckpointIds array, containing the checkpoint Ids managed by this Checkpoints object.

A Provider component is used to wrap part of an application in a context, and it can contain a default Checkpoints object or a set of Checkpoints objects named by Id. The useCheckpointIds hook lets you indicate which Checkpoints object to get data for: omit the optional parameter for the default context Checkpoints object, provide an Id for a named context Checkpoints object, or provide a Checkpoints object explicitly by reference.

When first rendered, this hook will create a listener so that changes to the checkpoint Ids will cause a re-render. When the component containing this hook is unmounted, the listener will be automatically removed.


This example creates a Checkpoints object outside the application, which is used in the useCheckpointIds hook by reference. A change to the checkpoint Ids re-renders the component.

const store = createStore().setTable('pets', {fido: {species: 'dog'}});
const checkpoints = createCheckpoints(store);
const App = () => (

const app = document.createElement('div');
ReactDOMClient.createRoot(app).render(<App />);
// -> '<span>[[],"0",[]]</span>'

store.setCell('pets', 'fido', 'sold', true);
// -> '<span>[["0"],null,[]]</span>'

// -> '<span>[["0"],"1",[]]</span>'

This example creates a Provider context into which a default Checkpoints object is provided. A component within it then uses the useCheckpointIds hook.

const App = ({checkpoints}) => (
  <Provider checkpoints={checkpoints}>
    <Pane />
const Pane = () => <span>{JSON.stringify(useCheckpointIds())}</span>;

const checkpoints = createCheckpoints(
  createStore().setTable('pets', {fido: {species: 'dog'}}),

const app = document.createElement('div');
const root = ReactDOMClient.createRoot(app);
root.render(<App checkpoints={checkpoints} />);
// -> '<span>[[],"0",[]]</span>'

This example creates a Provider context into which a default Checkpoints object is provided. A component within it then uses the useCheckpointIds hook.

const App = ({checkpoints}) => (
  <Provider checkpointsById={{petCheckpoints: checkpoints}}>
    <Pane />
const Pane = () => (

const checkpoints = createCheckpoints(
  createStore().setTable('pets', {fido: {species: 'dog'}}),

const app = document.createElement('div');
const root = ReactDOMClient.createRoot(app);
root.render(<App checkpoints={checkpoints} />);
// -> '<span>[[],"0",[]]</span>'