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The useResultTableCellIdsListener hook registers a listener function with a Queries object that will be called whenever the Cell Ids that appear anywhere in a ResultTable change.

  queryId: IdOrNull,
  listener: ResultTableCellIdsListener,
  listenerDeps?: DependencyList,
  queriesOrQueriesId?: QueriesOrQueriesId,
): void

The Id of the query to listen to, or null as a wildcard.


The function that will be called whenever the Cell Ids that appear anywhere in the ResultTable change.


An optional array of dependencies for the listener function, which, if any change, result in the re-registration of the listener. This parameter defaults to an empty array.


The Queries object to register the listener with: omit for the default context Queries object, provide an Id for a named context Queries object, or provide an explicit reference.


This has no return value.

This hook is useful for situations where a component needs to register its own specific listener to do more than simply tracking the value (which is more easily done with the useResultTableCellIds hook).

You can either listen to a single ResultTable (by specifying a query Id as the method's first parameter) or changes to any ResultTable (by providing a null wildcard).

Unlike the addResultTableCellIdsListener method, which returns a listener Id and requires you to remove it manually, the useResultTableCellIdsListener hook manages this lifecycle for you: when the listener changes (per its listenerDeps dependencies) or the component unmounts, the listener on the underlying Queries object will be deleted.


This example uses the useResultTableCellIdsListener hook to create a listener that is scoped to a single component. When the component is unmounted, the listener is removed from the Queries object.

import React from 'react';
import {createRoot} from 'react-dom/client';
import {createQueries, createStore} from 'tinybase';
import {Provider, useResultTableCellIdsListener} from 'tinybase/ui-react';

const App = ({queries}) => (
  <Provider queries={queries}>
    <Pane />
const Pane = () => {
  useResultTableCellIdsListener('petColorsAndLegs', () =>
    console.log('Result Cell Ids changed'),
  return <span>App</span>;

const store = createStore().setTable('pets', {
  fido: {species: 'dog', color: 'brown'},
  felix: {species: 'cat', color: 'black'},
  cujo: {species: 'dog', color: 'black'},
const queries = createQueries(store).setQueryDefinition(
  ({select}) => {
const app = document.createElement('div');
const root = createRoot(app);
root.render(<App queries={queries} />);
// -> 1

store.setCell('pets', 'cujo', 'legs', 4);
// -> 'Result Cell Ids changed'

// -> 0

