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Getter methods

This is the collection of getter methods within the Relationships interface. There are 8 getter methods in total.


The getStore method returns a reference to the underlying Store that is backing this Relationships object.

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The getLocalTableId method returns the Id of the underlying local Table that is used in the Relationship.

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The getRemoteTableId method returns the Id of the underlying remote Table that is used in the Relationship.

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The getLinkedRowIds method gets the linked Row Ids for a given Row in a linked list Relationship.

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The getLocalRowIds method gets the local Row Ids for a given remote Row in a Relationship.

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The getRemoteRowId method gets the remote Row Id for a given local Row in a Relationship.

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The getRelationshipIds method returns an array of the Relationship Ids registered with this Relationships object.

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The hasRelationship method returns a boolean indicating whether a given Relationship exists in the Relationships object.

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