The getStats
method provides a set of statistics about the Persister
, and is used for debugging purposes.
getStats(): PersisterStats
returns | PersisterStats | A |
The PersisterStats
object contains a count of the number of times the Persister
has loaded and saved data.
The method is intended to be used during development to ensure your persistence layer is acting as expected, for example.
This example gets the load and save statistics of a Persister
object. Remember that the startAutoLoad
method invokes an explicit load when it starts, and the startAutoSave
method invokes an explicit save when it starts - so those numbers are included in addition to the loads and saves invoked by changes to the Store
and to the underlying storage.
import {createStore} from 'tinybase';
import {createSessionPersister} from 'tinybase/persisters/persister-browser';
const store = createStore();
const persister = createSessionPersister(store, 'pets');
await persister.startAutoLoad({pets: {fido: {species: 'dog'}}});
await persister.startAutoSave();
store.setTables({pets: {felix: {species: 'cat'}}});
// ...
sessionStorage.setItem('pets', '[{"pets":{"toto":{"species":"dog"}}},{}]');
// -> StorageEvent('storage', {storageArea: sessionStorage, key: 'pets'})
// ...
// -> {loads: 2, saves: 2}