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The persister-expo-sqlite-next module of the TinyBase project lets you save and load Store data to and from a local Expo-SQLite 'next' database (in an appropriate React Native environment).

This module provides a Persister for the modern version of Expo's SQLite library, designated 'next' as of November 2023. This API should be used if you are installing the expo-sqlite/next module. In the future we expect this module to become the default.

Note that TinyBase support for the legacy version of Expo-SQLite (expo-sqlite) is still available in the persister-expo-sqlite module.

Note that this Persister is currently experimental as Expo themselves iterate on the underlying database library API.

See also

Persisting Data guide




There is one interface, ExpoSqliteNextPersister, within the persister-expo-sqlite-next module.


There is one function, createExpoSqliteNextPersister, within the persister-expo-sqlite-next module.