How TinyBase Is Built
These guides discuss how TinyBase is structured and some of the interesting ways in which it is architected, tested, and built.
Don't forget to also take a look at the code on GitHub and knock yourself out!
Developing TinyBase
This guide is for people who would like to checkout the TinyBase code and build it from source. It's a quick overview of the common workflows.
The architecture of TinyBase is pretty straightforward. This guide runs through the main file structure and principles.
Testing is a first-class citizen in TinyBase, as you may see from the high coverage it enjoys.
Like testing, documentation is a first-class citizen of TinyBase, and most of it is structured as API documentation (from the .d.ts
files) and from markdown pages.
How The Demos Work
The demos on the TinyBase site deserve a little explanation.
I'm James. Building TinyBase was an interesting exercise in API design, minification, and documentation. But now people seem to like using it!