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The useQueries hook is used to get a reference to a Queries object from within a Provider component context.

useQueries(id?: string): Queries | undefined

An optional Id for accessing a Queries object that was named with an Id in the Provider.

returnsQueries | undefined

A reference to the Queries object (or undefined if not within a Provider context, or if the requested Queries object does not exist).

A Provider component is used to wrap part of an application in a context. It can contain a default Queries object (or a set of Queries objects named by Id) that can be easily accessed without having to be passed down as props through every component.

The useQueries hook lets you either get a reference to the default Queries object (when called without a parameter), or one of the Queries objects that are named by Id (when called with an Id parameter).


This example creates a Provider context into which a default Queries object is provided. A component within it then uses the useQueries hook to get a reference to the Queries object again, without the need to have it passed as a prop.

const App = ({queries}) => (
  <Provider queries={queries}>
    <Pane />
const Pane = () => <span>{useQueries().getListenerStats().table}</span>;

const queries = createQueries(createStore());
const app = document.createElement('div');
ReactDOMClient.createRoot(app).render(<App queries={queries} />);
// -> '<span>0</span>'

This example creates a Provider context into which a Queries object is provided, named by Id. A component within it then uses the useQueries hook with that Id to get a reference to the Queries object again, without the need to have it passed as a prop.

const App = ({queries}) => (
  <Provider queriesById={{petQueries: queries}}>
    <Pane />
const Pane = () => (

const queries = createQueries(createStore());
const app = document.createElement('div');
ReactDOMClient.createRoot(app).render(<App queries={queries} />);
// -> '<span>0</span>'

