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Relationships And Checkpoints

These guides discuss how to define Relationships that connect Rows together between Table objects, and Checkpoints that allow you to build undo and redo functionality.

See also the Todo App demos and the Drawing demo.

Using Relationships

This guide describes how the relationships module gives you the ability to create and track relationships between Row objects based on the data in a Store.

Building A UI With Relationships

This guide covers how the ui-react module supports the Relationships object.

Advanced Relationship Definitions

This guide describes how the relationships module let you create more complex types of relationships based on the data in Store objects.

Using Checkpoints

This guide describes how the checkpoints module gives you the ability to create and track changes to a Store's data for the purposes of undo and redo functionality.

Building A UI With Checkpoints

This guide covers how the ui-react module supports the Checkpoints object. After all, if you have undo functionality in your app, you probably want an undo button!